
Bipolar ionization

What is an ion?

In terms of bipolar ionization, an ion refers to a charged particle that is formed through the process of ionization. Bipolar ionization involves the generation of positive and negative ions in the air, typically through the use of specialized devices. These ions are then dispersed into the environment, where they can interact with airborne particles, pathogens, and odorous compounds.

Ion icons

Here’s How it Works

VOC Sensor

Smart Building Automation is a cutting-edge solution for healthier indoor environments, improved energy saving, comfort, and productivity.  Enjoy real-time monitoring with history and alarms, anytime, anywhere. 

Access a comprehensive real-time environment overview instantly, providing accurate measurements and intuitive color-coded feedback.

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Instantly access real-time measurements and feedback, allowing you to quickly assess the safety of your surroundings and identify areas for enhancement with just a glance.

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By applying LED technology to the science of how ultraviolet light affects micro-organisms, we have developed a system to effectively protect indoor areas, and the people in them, against airborne pathogens.

The Active-Airflow fixture circulates room air many times per hour through encapsulated UV-C light, eliminating pathogens while keeping humans safe. Built with advanced solid-state LED technology, it delivers precise UV-C dosages for effective, quiet, and reliable operation.

When exposing microorganisms to UV-C light, the light penetrates through their cell wall and disrupts the structure of their DNA molecules, prohibiting reproduction. 

UV lights can be used for the purpose of sanitation or sterilization in any facility irrespective of size or function. This method could make safe: senior living facilities, office buildings, retail, hospitality, corrections facilities, restaurants, food processing facilities, manufacturing plants, etc. It can also be utilized in locations requiring a clean room level of sterilization such as operating rooms and medical laboratories. UV-C technology is endorsed by CDC, WHO, NIH, and ASHRAE as it has been extensively field tested for more than 70 years. Eradicating the coils and drain pans will eradicate mold and bacteria growth on their often-wet surfaces and destroy the microbial films that previously accumulated on these surfaces. Calibrating the correct UVC output will result in a first pass virus kill zone.

Constant Airflow Regulator

iEQ360™ manufactures CAR (constant Airflow Regulator) dampers.

Supply Air

To exacerbate the buildings IEQ issues, combine an inefficient bathroom exhaust with an inefficient HVAC system. The intake of the contaminant via the return air to an HVAC system in which outside air is not introduced or minimum, with poor to improper filtration, and no coil protection, will ultimately lead a building down the path to the proverbial sick building syndrome. Written, documented, and proven via multiple science professionals, they all agree to the dilution, capture, and kill methodology as it pertains to contaminants. We at iEQ360™ completely agree and we do not think it stops here. 

Sealing the supply side of the HVAC system will reduce the risk of mold developing in the interstitial space or in the ductwork. It will ensure that a VAV/VVT system can reach and control properly by maintaining the static pressure during wide open and part load conditions. 

Outside Air

Have you ever felt the wind either pull you into a building or push you out when entering? If so, your building is probably unbalanced between the amount of air that you are exhausting and the amount of air you are ‘supposedly’ bringing into the building. This building imbalance increased the energy spend on both the chiller and boiler plant, introduces outside contaminants and leaves occupants uncomfortable. 

Amongst the HVAC engineering community, the majority have always agreed with ‘Dilution, Capture, Kill’ methodologies. Some of the engineering community states that the ‘dilution is the solution’ and iEQ360™ believes and agrees with dilution, but it is not the total solution. We know that much like the body, a building’s health takes measurable and actionable steps. When the building has the proper amount of air leaving the building (exhaling) to the proper amount of air entering the building (inhaling), our methodology takes a deeper dive into the exhaust (see bathroom optimization program) and the inhaling. 

Our body’s first line of defense is our nasal hair and mucus (phlegm); in a building we call that ‘filtration’. Proper filtration is a must. Next, we look at the next phase of ‘kill’. The second line of defense against contaminated air our body has is mucous and we view this UV at the coil. 

Ultraviolet germicidal radiation (UVGI) uses short-wave ultraviolet (UV-C) energy to inactivate viral, bacterial, and fungal organisms so they are unable to replicate and potentially cause disease. 

Seen in the illustration above, closest to the fan exhausts more air than the floors/bathroom’s furthest from the fan. To mitigate this issue, CAR dampers are illustrated at each bathroom exhaust register, which results in an even flow of exhaust air at all times.